카테고리 없음

스페인 바르셀로나의 작은 도시 Terrassa

파나소리 2006. 8. 26. 11:51




Terrassa is a charming, little city very well known all around Catalunya for its industrial

past and its modernist architecture.

It is only 28 Km from Barcelona and it is very easy to reach.






Info to the Terrassa IFSA Championship

From the organisation of Rodats we are glad to present the Final of hte IFSA Championship and the competition of the IFSA Cup, the important events taking place in Terrassa (Barcelona) on 25th, 26th and 27th August 2006.

The competition area is in Sierra Nevada street between Salou street and mont perdut street.








Friday 25th August 2006

9 :00am-10:00am Registration

9:30am-10:00am Speed slalom female training track B

10:00am-11:30am Speed slalom female track A

11:00am-11:30am Speed slalom male training track B

11:30am-01:00pm Speed slalom male track A


04:30pm-06:00pm Style slalom female track A

05:00pm-06:00pm Style slalom male training track B

06:00pm-08:00pm Style slalom male track A

08:30pm Friday qualification results


Saturday 26th August 2006

09:00am-10:00am Registration

09:30am-10:00am Speed slalom female training track B

10:00am-11:30am Time trials female track A

11:00am-11:30am Speed slalom male training track B

11:30am-01:00pm Speed slalom trials male track A

01:00pm-02:00pm Free jump track A


05:00pm-05:30pm Training KO system female track B

05:30pm-06:30pm KO system female track A

06:00pm-06:30pm Training KO system male track B

06:30pm-08:00pm KO system male track A

08:00pm-09:00pm Open slides contest track A



Sunday 27th August 2006

09:30am-10:00am Freestyle slalom female training track B

10:00am-11:30am Freestyle slalom female track A

11:00am-11:30am Style slalom male training track B

11:30am-01:30pm Style slalom male track A

01:30pm-02:30pm High-jump track A

03:00pm-03:30pm Podiums


* All the competitors will have a free entrance to the swimingpool.